ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 91-769

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Ottawa, 25 September 1991
Decision CRTC 91-769
Lindsay CATV System Limited
Lindsay, Ontario - 903157600
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning on 8 July 1991, the Commission renews the Class 1 licence held by Lindsay CATV System Limited, for the cable distribution undertaking serving Lindsay, from 1 October 1991 to 31 August 1997. The operation of this undertaking is regulated pursuant to Parts I and II of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (the regulations) and the licence will be subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
Consistent with Decision CRTC 91-122 dated 13 March 1991 and pursuant to section 12 of the regulations, the licensee is relieved, by condition of licence, of the requirement that it distribute the signal of CHEX-TV Peterborough, Ontario on an unrestricted channel. Should the quality of the signal deteriorate significantly, the Commission expects the licensee to undertake immediate corrective action including, if necessary, the distribution of the service on another channel.
Consistent with Decision CRTC 90-621 dated 29 June 1990, the licensee is relieved, by condition of licence, of the requirement of paragraph 9(1)(c) of the regulations to distribute local stations CICO-TV-74 (TVO) and CIII-TV-27 (Global) Peterborough. The licensee will continue to distribute instead the extra-regional signal of CICA-TV (TVO) and the regional signal of CIII-TV-41 (Global) Toronto.
The Commission reaffirms the particular importance it attaches to the development of community programming and has taken note of the annual budgets that will be allocated for this purpose during the new licence term. The Commission encourages the licensee to continue its efforts to develop community programs that reflect subscriber interests and concerns.
The Commission acknowledges the intervention by Global Television Network (Global) stating, among other things, that the licensee frequently does not comply with the requirement of section 20 of the regulations with regard to the simultaneous substitution of the Global signal.
The Commission notes that in its reply to the intervention the licensee admitted that, at times, it has failed to meet its substitution obligations. The Commission reminds the licensee that it must adhere to the requirements of the regulations at all times.
Accordingly, until further notice, the Commission requires the licensee to submit a monthly report, within 15 days of each month end, detailing the requests which it received for substitution and the actions taken by the licensee to comply with section 20 of the regulations.
Allan J. Darling
Secretary General

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