Ottawa, 12 March 1986
Decision CRTC 86-211
Oxford Broadcasting Company Limited
Woodstock, Ontario - 850815200
Following a Public Hearing in Toronto on 16 December 1985, the Commission approves the application for a broadcasting licence for an Englishlanguage FM radio station at Woodstock on the frequency 102.3 MHz, channel 272, with an effective radiated power of 11,300 watts.
The Commission will issue a licence expiring 30 September 1990, subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
The applicant currently holds a licence expiring 30 September 1988 to operate CKDK Woodstock. Upon implementation of the FM station, the AM undertaking will rebroadcast all of the FM programming for a "phasing-in" period not to exceed three months. The Commission considers that this period should allow adequate time for CKDK listeners to adjust to the presence of the new FM station.
It is a condition of approval of the FM licence to be issued, that Oxford Broadcasting Company Limited (Oxford), in accordance with its stated intention, cease operation of CKDK and surrender the licence therefor to the Commission at the end of this three month period. If this condition is not met, the approval of the FM licence will lapse.
The applicant indicated that the purpose of replacing the existing AM facility with a new FM station was to overcome severe technical problems which have both limited its ability to provide an adequate signal to the area it seeks to serve, namely Oxford County, and contributed to serious erosion of the CKDK audience. Oxford further pointed out that, since no suitable AM frequencies were available to rectify the present coverage problem, it had concluded that an FM station was the most appropriate solution.
The Commission notes that the power of the proposed FM, which is more than 10 times that of the present AM operation, and the superior transmission characteristics of the FM band should enable the new station to increase its coverage area and provide a clear and consistent signal day and night. This should provide the applicant with the means to compete with out-of-market stations that have captured the majority of radio tuning in Oxford County.
The new station will be operated in the "Group I" music format, as defined in Public Notice CRTC 1984-151 on the Review of Radio, with a vocalto-instrumental ratio of 85:15. Consistent with the FM policy and as discussed at the hearing, the applicant will maintain, as a condition of licence, a level of "hits" below 50%.
At the hearing, Oxford advised that it will broadcast programming which reflects the requirements of the Commission's FM policy and regulations on its present AM station, CKDK, for a two-month transition period prior to implementation of the new FM station.
With respect to the operation of the FM, Oxford indicated that it will have a quality control officer for the supervision of foreground presentations and a coordinator for enrichment and community service programming. Further, to supplement the station's news coverage, the applicant proposes to acquire a mobile unit and to add a voice service and an additional staff person to its news department. News staff will also contribute interviews, open-line programming and editorial commentary to foreground and mosaic features.
The Commission notes the strong local and regional orientation proposed by the applicant, including the dedication of 50% of the station's overall news commitment to the coverage of local and regional events. The Commission has noted that, at the hearing, Oxford defined "local" as referring to Woodstock and the surrounding area and "regional" to the rest of Oxford County, and that it specifically excluded London from its concept of regional coverage.
The Commission acknowledges the applicant's commitment of $3,000 annually for the development of Canadian talent. Oxford intends to tape the "Rotary Club Night of Stars", an annual competition for young artists from the Woodstock area for subsequent broadcast and to award bursaries to the top three contestants.
In accordance with paragraph 22(1)(b) of the Broadcasting Act, the Commission will only issue the licence, and the authority granted herein may only be implemented, at such time as written notification is received from the Department of Communications that it will issue a Technical Construction and Operating Certificate.
It is a condition of this licence that construction of the station be completed and that it be in operation within twelve months of the date of receipt of written notification from the Department of Communications that it will issue a Technical Construction and Operating Certificate or such further period as the Commission may, upon receipt of a request for extension before the expiry of the said twelve months, deem appropriate under the circumstances.
The Commission acknowledges the receipt of interventions from Mr. R.L. Trealeaven, M.P.P. for Oxford, and Mayor Wendy L. Carter of Woodstock in support of this application.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General