ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 85-317

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Ottawa, 9 May 1985
Decision CRTC 85-317
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Sherbrooke, Quebec - 841802200
Following a Public Hearing in Montreal on 25 March 1985, the Commission approves the application for a broadcasting licence for a French-language FM radio station at Sherbrooke on the frequency 89.7 MHz, channel 2098, with an effective radiated power of 678 watts to rebroadcast in stereo the programs of CBF-FM Montreal.
The Commission will issue a licence expiring 30 September 1987, subject to the conditions of licence specified in the licence to be issued. This term will enable the Commission to consider the renewal of this licence at the same time as that of CBF-FM Montreal.
An intervention was received from Mr. Jacques Blais in support of the establishment of a CBC FM radio service in Sherbrooke. The intervener, however, was concerned about the limited coverage proposed for this station and suggested that the CBC be asked to extend such coverage to the whole south-east of the province of Quebec. In its response, the CBC argued that to achieve such coverage would require the establishment of a new tower, site and expensive transmitter and that the cost incurred would be prohibitive at this time.
In this regard, the Commission notes that the CBC already operates other FM stations serving most of the area described in the intervention, and that the CBC's Long Range Radio Plan proposes the addition of an FM transmitter at Lac Mégantic which would extend the CBC FM stereo service to the east.
The Commission notes that this station will not fully exploit the coverage potential of a Class B station. While it recognizes the significant costs to be incurred in upgrading the station's coverage at this time, the Commission intends, however, to review this matter when it considers the renewal of this licence.
Fernand Bélisle Secretary General

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