ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 85-1275

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Ottawa, 17 December 1985
Decision CRTC 85-1275
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Bonne Bay, Newfoundland - 850896200
Following a Public Hearing in Toronto on 8 October 1985, the Commission approves the application for a broadcasting licence for an English-language FM radio station at Bonne Bay on the frequency 89.1 MHz, channel 206A, with an effective radiated power of 1,000 watts to rebroadcast the programs of the CBC English-language AM Radio Network originating from CBY Corner Brook, Newfoundland. The Commission will issue a licence expiring 30 September 1990, subject to the conditions specified in the licence to be issued.
The Commission notes that this new FM station conforms to the guidelines concerning the use of FM channels for the extension of the CBC's basic AM service, as set out in Public Notices CRTC 1985-86 and 1985-142 dated 2 May and 9 July 1985 respectively. The Commission is satisfied that this replacement of a low-power unprotected AM station with FM facilities will result in an extension of the CBC AM network service to a significantly greater population in this area.
The CBC has indicated that it intends to cease the operation of CBNF Woody Point, the AM rebroadcaster of CBY Corner Brook in the Bonne Bay area, no later than one year following the date on which the new FM transmitter at Bonne Bay becomes operational. The Commission expects the CBC to cease operation of CBNF Woody Point within this time frame.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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