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2005-03-24 - #: 8638-C12-200515992 - Follow-up to Decision 2005-17 - 2005 Retail quality of service rate adjustement plan

References: 8638-C12-2005049878638-C12-200505018, 8660-A53-200505084, 8660-T66-200505159, 8660-A53-200505555, 8660-S22-200507999 , 8660-M59-200511510

2006-06-22 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 278 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, TCC will be providing credit rebate adjustments for 2004 Retail Quality of Service results during the July and August 2006 billing cycles.
Document: 637762.doc - 49KB

2006-04-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TCC submits the following attachments pursuant to paragraph 276 of Decision CRTC 2005-17.
Document: - 26KB

2006-03-31 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Attached is Aliant's annual retail plan report with the calculation of the total customer credits for 2005 in accordance with Appendices A and C of Telecom Decision 2005-17.
Document: 608959.pdf - 101KB

Date Modified: 2006-06-23

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