title>Agenda (Revised on 26 April 2013), Hearing 23 April 2013, Gatineau, Quebec | CRTC

Agenda, Hearing 23 April  2013, Gatineau, Quebec


Agenda (Revised on 26 April 2013)


Gatineau, Quebec

23 April 2013 at 9:00 a.m.

Conference Center
Portage IV
140, Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec

Hearing Room: Outaouais
Temporary Examination Room:
Papineau – 819-953-3168


Interventions received concerning the applications scheduled for this hearing are available on the public examination files.

Reference Documents: Broadcasting Notices of Consultation CRTC 2013-19, 2013-19-1, 2013‑19-2, 2013-19-3 and 2013-4.



Public Files

During the hearing, public files related to items scheduled at the hearing may be examined in the temporary examination room set up nearby the hearing room.

Transcripts of hearing

All presentations are taken verbatim by court stenographers and recorded by:

Steno Tran Services Inc.
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Ottawa, Ontario
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Examination of transcripts

Transcripts of this hearing are available through our Internet site (http://www.crtc.gc.ca) and by contacting the public examination room of any CRTC office.

Listening to CDs

CDs of this hearing may be listened to, at the Commission Headquarters in Gatineau, Quebec during business hours, or at any CRTC office, by appointment.

Should you have further comments, please forward them as follows:

Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N2

Telephone: 1-877-249-2782
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Facsimile: 819-994-0218

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Appearing Items

Phase I – Presentations by the applicants and licensees

1. The Legislative Assemblies of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories
Nunavut and Northwest Territories
Application 2012-1574-9

Application by The Legislative Assemblies of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories for mandatory distribution of the services on the digital basic service of the direct-to-home satellite broadcasting distribution undertaking serving Nunavut and the Northwest Territories pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

2. All Points Bulletin Incorporated and Avis de recherche incorporée
Across Canada
Applications 2012-0689-7 and 2012-1051-7

Application by All Points Bulletin Incorporated to renew the broadcasting licence of the national English-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking All Points Bulletin, which expires 31 August 2013.

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

Application by Avis de recherche incorporée to renew the broadcasting licence for the national French-language Category 2 specialty programming undertaking Avis de recherche, which expires 31 August 2013.

The applicant is also applying for the renewal of its mandatory distribution order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

3. Stornoway Communications Limited Partnership*, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated
Across Canada
Application 2012-0705-1

Application by *Stornoway Communications General Partnership Inc. (the general partner) and 1403318 Ontario Limited (the limited partner), carrying on business as Stornoway Communications Limited Partneship, for a broadcasting licence to operate a national English‑language specialty Category A programming undertaking to be known as FUSION.

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

4. The Natural Resources Television Channel (IDRN-TV/IDNR-TV) Inc.
Across Canada
Application 2012-0713-4

Application by The Natural Resources Television Channel (IDRN-TV/IDNR-TV) Inc. for mandatory distribution on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act for the national English-language and French-language specialty Category B programming undertaking known as The Natural Resources Television Channel.

5. TVA Group Inc. and Sun Media Corporation, partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Sun News General Partnership
Across Canada
Application 2012-0687-1

Application by TVA Group Inc. and Sun Media Corporation, partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Sun News General Partnership, for mandatory distribution on the digital and analog basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act for the national English-language specialty national news Category C service Sun News Network.

6. Education Through Media
Across Canada
Application 2012-0715-0

Application by Education Through Media for mandatory distribution on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act for the national English-language specialty Category B service Dolobox Television.


Wednesday, 24 April 2013


7. Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc.
Across Canada
Applications 2012-1107-8 and 2012-1109-4

Applications by Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc. (CPAC) to renew the broadcasting licences for the satellite-to-cable French- and English-language undertaking CPAC, which expires 31 August 2013.

The applicant is also applying for the renewal of its mandatory distribution order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.


8. Accessible Media Inc.
Across Canada
Applications 2012-0709-3, 2012-1095-5 and 2012-1096-3

Application by Accessible Media Inc. for a broadcasting licence to operate a national French‑language specialty Category B service to be known as AMI-tv Français.

Application by Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) to renew the broadcasting licence for the national English-language specialty described video programming undertaking AMI-tv, which expires 31 August 2013.

Application by Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) to renew the broadcasting licence for the national English-language audio programming undertaking AMI-audio, which expires 31 August 2013.

The applicant is also seeking mandatory distribution under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act for AMI-tv Français and the renewal of its mandatory distribution order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act for AMI-tv and AMI-audio.

9. Evan Kosiner, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated (Described Video Guide)
Across Canada
Application 2011-1255-7

Application by Evan Kosiner, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to operate a national English-language specialty audio programming undertaking to be known as Described Video Guide.

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

10. Takten Gyurmey Foundation (now known as EqualiTV International Foundation)
Across Canada
Application 2012-0670-7

Application by Takten Gyurmey Foundation for mandatory distribution on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act of the national English-language Category 2 programming undertaking EqualiTV.

11. Vues & Voix
Across Canada
Application 2012-1411-3

Application by Vues & Voix to renew the broadcasting licence of the national French-language audio programming undertaking known as Canal M (formerly known as la Magnétothèque), which expires 31 August 2013.

The applicant is also applying for the renewal of its mandatory distribution order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

12. TV5 Québec Canada
Across Canada
Applications 2012-0711-8 and 2012-1094-7

Application by TV5 Québec Canada for mandatory distribution on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act of the national French-language specialty programming undertaking TV5.

Application by TV5 Québec Canada to renew the broadcasting licence for the national French‑language specialty programming undertaking TV5, which expires 31 August 2013.

13. La corporation de la télévision francophonie canadienne – ACCENTS
Across Canada
Application 2012-0683-9

Application by La corporation de la télévision francophonie canadienne - ACCENTS for a broadcasting licence to operate a national French-language programming undertaking to be known as ACCENTS.

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.


Thursday, 25 April 2013


14. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, on behalf of ARTV inc.
Across Canada
Application 2013-0002-9

Application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), on behalf of ARTV inc., to obtain a distribution order for the national French-language specialty programming undertaking ARTV giving the service access rights on the digital service of terrestrial broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs) in English-language markets.

15. Canadian Punjabi Network Inc.
Across Canada
Application 2012-0679-8

Application by Canadian Punjabi Network Inc. for a broadcasting licence to operate a national ethnic third-language specialty Category B service to be known as Canadian Punjabi Network (CPN).

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

 16. 8094039 Canada Corp. (Starlight: The Canadian Movie Channel)
Across Canada
Application 2012-0714-2

Application by 8094039 Canada Corp. for a broadcasting licence to operate a national English-language specialty service to be known as Starlight: The Canadian Movie Channel.

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

17. Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Incorporated
Across Canada
Application 2012-0993-2

Application by Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Incorporated to renew the broadcasting licence for the French- and English-language satellite-to-cable undertaking for APTN, which expires 31 August 2013.

The applicant is also applying for the renewal of its mandatory distribution order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

18. On Purpose TV Inc.
Across Canada
Application 2012-0707-7

Application by On Purpose TV Inc. for a broadcasting licence to operate a national English-, French- and third-language video-on-demand undertaking to be known as Maximum Television Canada.

The applicant is also applying for mandatory distribution of its service on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act.

19. ZoomerMedia Limited
Across Canada
Applications 2012-0712-6 and 2012-1190-4

Application by ZoomerMedia Limited for mandatory distribution on the digital basic service pursuant to an order issued under section 9(1)(h) of the Broadcasting Act of the English-language specialty programming undertaking Vision TV: Canada’s Faith Network / Réseau religieux canadien.

Application by ZoomerMedia Limited to renew the broadcasting licence for the national English-language specialty programming undertaking Vision TV: Canada’s Faith Network / Réseau religieux canadien, which expires 31 August 2013.


Friday, 26 April 2013

Phase II – Presentations by the interveners

Appearing individually

1. Bruce Harvey (int. #13,053)

2. Nabet 700 CEP (int. #11,901)

3. Blue Ant Media (int. #13,047)

4. 2251723 Ontario Inc. (int. #13,009)

5. Jeff Hanks (int. #5,881)

6. Merg Kong (int. #7,693)

7. Dimitri Lascaris (int. #1,311)

8. Gustavo Ruiz (int. #652)

9. The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) (int. #12,914)

10. Tyna McNair (int. #1,754)


Monday, 29 April 2013


11. Shaw Communications Inc. (int. #12,775)

12. Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (int. #13,294)

13. Rogers Communications Partnership (int. #12,625)

14. MTS Allstream (int. #13,295)

15. Kevin Donaldson (int. #3,383)

16. Matthew Hays (int. #11,566)

17. On Screen Manitoba (int. #13,144) 

18. WoneWomanWorks ltd (int. #11,286)

19. Cogeco cable inc. (int. #12,967)

20. Avaaz (int. #12,985)

Presentation in support of Stornoway Communications Limited Partnership

21. Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations (CACTUS)
     (int. #11,958) 

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Appearing individually

22. TELUS Communications Company (int. #13,056)

23. The Canadian Media Production Association (int. #11,683)

Presentations in support of Sun News General Partnership

24. Free Thinking Film Society (int. #7,045)

25. Adam Giambrone (int. #6,330)

26. Andrea Mrozek (int. #4,796)

Presentations in support of Education Through Media

27. Ryerson University, School of Media (int. #12,960)

28. TakingITGlobal (int. #12,931)

29. Plasma Management & Productions Inc. (#13,134)

Presentations in support of Accessible Media Inc.

30. Ness Murby (int. #12,666)

31. Dawn Clelland (int. #6,827)

32. Jan Zawilski (int. #4,986)

33. Michael Petosa (int. #1,618)


Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Presentation in support of ZoomerMedia Limited

34. Cardinal Thomas Collins (int. #10,522)

35. One Free World International, Reverend Majed El Shafie (int. #10,592)

36. Context with Lorna Dueck (int. #13,093)

Presentations in support of TV5 Québec Canada

37. Alliance des producteurs francophones du Canada (int. #12,938)

38. Société Nationale de l’Acadie (int. #13,066)

39.Association acadienne des artistes professionnels.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick
(int. #13,214)

Presentations in support of Canadian Punjabi Network

40. Canadian South-Asians Supporting Independent Living (int. #4,607)

41. Lilly Singh (int. #10,649)

42. Daniel Kay (int. #13,067)

Presentations in support of La corporation de la télévision francophonie canadienne

43. Fédération des communautés francophones et acadiennes du Canada (int. #9,834)

44. TFO, Groupe Média TFO (int. #12,672)

45. Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta (int. #11,889)

Presentations in support of Starlight The Canadian Movie Channel (8094039 Canada Corp.)

46. Reel Canada (int. #3,485)

47. Directors Guild of Canada (int. #12,915)

48. Canadian Film Institute (int. #13,235)

Presentations in support of Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Inc.

49. Alliance of Aboriginal Media Producers (int. #12,510)

50. Média Rendezvous (int. #5,385)

51. Indspire Foundation (int. #8,055)

Presentations in support of Takten Gyurmey Foundation (now known as EqualiTV International Foundation)

52. Paul Babiak (int. #13,105)

53. Kim Echlin (int #13,130)

54. Ravi Malhotra (int. #3,603)


Thursday, 2 May 2013


Phase III – Reply by the applicants and licensees

1. The Legislative Assemblies of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories

2. All Points Bulletin Incorporated and Avis de recherche incorporée

3. Stornoway Communications Limited Partneship, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated

4. The Natural Resources Television Channel (IDRN-TV/IDNR-TV) Inc.

5. TVA Group Inc. and Sun Media Corporation, partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Sun News General Partnership

6. Education through Media

7. Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc.  

8. Accessible Media Inc.

9. Evan Kosiner, on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated (Described Video Guide)

10. Takten Gyurmey Foundation (now known as EqualiTV International Foundation)

11. Vues & Voix

12. TV5 Québec Canada

13. La corporation de la télévision francophonie canadienne – ACCENTS

14. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, on behalf of ARTV inc.

15. Canadian Punjabi Network Inc.

16. 8094039 Canada Corp. (Starlight : The Canadian Movie Channel)

17. Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Incorporated

18. On Purpose TV Inc.

19. ZoomerMedia Limited

Non-appearing items

Even though there is no oral presentation for the following applications, they are, nevertheless, part of this hearing and such, they will be considered by the Panel and a decision will be rendered at a later date.

Please refer to Broadcasting Notices of Consultation CRTC 2013-19, 2013-19-1, 2013-19-2, 2013-19-3 and 2013-19-4 for a detailed description of the following applications which are available electronically in the Temporary Examination Room.

20. Allarco Entertainment (2008) Inc. (Allarco 2008), the general partner, as well as limited partner, with C.R.A. Investments Ltd. (C.R.A.), the limited partner, carrying on business as Allarco Entertainment Limited Partnership
Across Canada (2012-1037-7)

21. Fairchild Television Ltd. (Fairchild TV)
Across Canada (2012-1064-0)

22. Fairchild Television Ltd. (Talentvision)
Across Canada (2012-1216-7)

23. TV5 Québec Canada
Across Canada (2012-1094-7)

24. Stornoway Communications General Partnership (the general partner) and 1403318 Ontario Limited (the limited partner) carrying on business as Stornoway Communications Limited Partnership
Across Canada (2012-1165-6)

25. South Asian Television Canada Limited
Across Canada (2012-1169-8)

26. OUTtv Network Inc.
Across Canada (2012-1177-1)

27. ZoomerMedia Limited
Across Canada (2012-1190-4)

28. ONE: The Body, Mind and Spirit Channel Inc.
Across Canada (2012-1191-1)

29. Blue Ant Media Solutions Inc. and 8182493 Canada Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Blue Ant Media Partnership (Travel + Escape)
Across Canada (2012-1198-7)

30. Blue Ant Media Solutions Inc. and 8182493 Canada Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Blue Ant Media Partnership (Bold)
Across Canada (2012-1537-7)

31. Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
Across Canada (2012-1033-5)

32. All TV Inc.
Across Canada (2012-1052-5)

33. Woodbine Entertainment Group
Across Canada (2012-1071-5)

34. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (Abu Dhabi TV)
Across Canada (2012-1072-3)

35. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (Big Magic International Canada)
Across Canada (2012-1073-1)

36. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (FTV-Filipino TV)
Across Canada (2012-1074-9)

37. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (Jaam-e-Jam)
Across Canada (2012-1075-7)

38. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (ProSieBenSat.1 Welt)
Across Canada (2012-1076-5)

39. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (RTVi)
Across Canada (2012-1077-3)

40. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (SBTN)
Across Canada (2012-1079-9)

41. Ethnic Channels Group Limited (The Israeli Network)
Across Canada (2012-1087-2)

42. The Natural Resources Television Channel (IDRN-TV/IDNR-TV) Inc.
Across Canada (2012-1086-4)

43. The GameTV Corporation
Across Canada (2012-1088-0)

44. World Fishing Network ULC
Across Canada (2012-1091-3)

45. Fight Media Inc.
Across Canada (2012-1092-1)

46. Telelatino Network Inc. (EuroWorld Sport)
Across Canada (2012-1111-9)

47. Telelatino Network Inc. (TLN en Español)
Across Canada (2012-1116-9)

48. Telelatino Network Inc. (Mediaset Italia)
Across Canada (2012-1119-3)

49. Stornoway Communications General Partnership (the general partner) and 1403318 Ontario Limited (the limited partner) carrying on business as Stornoway Communications Limited Partnership
Across Canada (2012-1167-2)

50. 1395047 Ontario Inc. (Festival Portuguese Television)
Across Canada (2012-1168-0)

51. South Asian Television Canada Limited (ATN Punjabi Channel)
Across Canada (2012-1178-9)

52. South Asian Television Canada Limited (ATN Urdu Channel)
Across Canada (2012-1179-7)

53. South Asian Television Canada Limited (ATN Tamil Channel)
Across Canada (2012-1180-5)

54. South Asian Television Canada Limited (ATN Gujarati)
Across Canada (2012-1182-0)

55. ZoomerMedia Limited
Across Canada (2012-1192-9)

56. Blue Ant Media Solutions Inc. and 8182493 Canada Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Blue Ant Media Partnership (AUX-TV)
Across Canada (2012-1196-1)

57. Blue Ant Media Solutions Inc. and 8182493 Canada Inc., partners in a general partnership carrying on business as Blue Ant Media Partnership (Bite)
Across Canada (2012-1197-9)

58. Blue Ant Television Ltd. (EQHD)
Across Canada (2012-1199-5)

59. Blue Ant Television Ltd. (HIFI)
Across Canada (2012-1200-3)

60. Blue Ant Television Ltd. (Oasis HD)
Across Canada (2012-1201-8)

61. Blue Ant Television Ltd. (radX)
Across Canada (2012-1202-6)

62. World Impact Ministries
Across Canada (2012-1236-5)

63. Fifth Dimension Properties Inc.
Across Canada (2012-1259-7)

64. TEN Broadcasting Inc. (Hustler TV)
Across Canada (2012-1265-4)

65. TEN Broadcasting Inc. (Red Hot TV)
Across Canada (2012-1266-2)

66.  Newfoundland Broadcasting Company Limited
St. John’s, Argentia, Norris Arm, Stephenville, Marystown, Bonavista, Corner Brook, Red Rocks, Clarenville, Deer Lake and Grand Bank, Newfoundland and Labrador

67. Télé-Mag inc.
Québec, Quebec (2012-0931-2)

68. Thunder Bay Electronics Limited
Thunder Bay, Ontario (2012-1024-4)

69. Thunder Bay Electronics Limited
Thunder Bay, Ontario (2012-1031-9)

70. Southshore Broadcasting Inc.
Leamington, Ontario (2012-1060-9)

71. Crossroads Television System
Hamilton, London and Ottawa, Ontario (2012-1115-1)

72. Christian Channel Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba (2012-1194-5)

73. Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Ltd. (the general partner) and Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership
Medicine Hat, Pivot, Alberta and Maple Creek, Saskatchewan (2012-1106-0)

74. Newcap Inc.
Lloydminster, Wainwright, Provost and Bonnyville, Alberta and Alcot Trail, Saskatchewan (2012-0925-5)

75. Newcap Inc.
Lloydminster, Bonnyville, Wainwright and Provost, Alberta (2012-0929-7)

76. The Miracle Channel Association
Lethbridge, Bow Island and Burmis, Alberta (2012-1044-2)

77. Crossroads Television System
Edmonton, Alberta (2012-1114-3)

78. Crossroads Television System
Calgary, Alberta (2012-1219-1)

79. Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Ltd. (the general partner) and Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership
Kamloops, Merritt, Clinton, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Chase, Quesnel, Nicola and Pritchard, British Columbia (2012-1104-4)

80. Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Ltd. (the general partner) and Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. (the limited partner), carrying on business as Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Limited Partnership
Prince George, Hixon, Mackenzie and Quesnel, British Columbia (2012-1108-6)

81. Christian Channel Inc.
Fraser Valley and Victoria, British Columbia (2012-1193-7)

82. Odyssey Television Network Inc.
OTN1 (2012-0871-0)

83. 1494679 Ontario Inc.
ERT SAT (2012-0872-8)

84. Wild TV Inc.
Wild TV (The Hunting Channel) (2012-0969-3)

85. The Armed Forces Network Inc.
The Armed Forces Network (2012-0970-1)

86. The Auto Channel Inc.
The Auto Channel (2012-0972-6)

87. The Cult Movie Channel Inc.
The Cult Movie Channel (2012-0973-4)

88. S.S.TV Inc.
S.S.TV (2012-1000-8)

89. 4510810 Canada Inc.
HARDtv (2012-1032-7)

90. L S Movie Channel Ltd.
L S Times TV (2012-1038-5)

91. HGTV Canada Inc.
D.I.Y. Network (2012-1090-6)

92. HTB Canada Inc.
HTB Canada (2012-1110-2)

93. TamilOne Inc.
Tamil One (2012-1121-8)

94. Gol TV (Canada) Ltd.
Gol TV (2012-1143-2)

95. Toronto Maple Leafs Network Ltd.
Leafs TV (2012-1152-3)

96. Toronto Raptors Network Ltd.
NBA TV Canada (2012-1154-9)

97. The NHL Network Inc.
NHL Network (2012-1159-9)

98. Stornoway Communications General Partnership (the general partner) and 1403318 Ontario Limited (the limited partner) carrying on business as Stornoway Communications Limited Partnership
BPM TV (2012-1166-4)

99. Telile: Isle Madame Community Television Association
CIMC-TV Isle Madame, and areas of Nova Scotia (2012-0998-2)

100. Acadian Communication Limited
CHNE-TV Cheticamp, Nova Scotia (2012-1112-7)

101. St. Andrews Community Channel Inc.
CHCO-TV St. Andrews, New Brunswick (2012-1002-0)

102. TV Hamilton Limited
Cable14 Hamilton, Ontario (2012-1156-5)

103. Neepawa Access Community T.V. (ACTV) Inc.
Neepawa, Manitoba (2012-0893-4)

104. Logan McCarthy
CFSO-TV Cardston, Alberta (2012-1069-0)

105. Chetwynd Communications Society
CHET-TV Chetwynd, British Columbia (2012-0743-1)

106. The B.C. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
CFEG-TV Abbotsford, British Columbia (2012-1070-8)

107. Hay River Community Service Society
CIHC-TV Hay River, Northwest Territories (2012-0791-0)




Date modified: