2001/06/07 - #: 8740-O4-086/01 - O.N. Telcom - TN 86 - General Tariff - Business Plan

2001/07/26 - Order CRTC 2001-583 - The Commission approves O.N.Telcom's request to increase the call rates for numbering plan areas (NPAs) 204 and 403/780 in order to bring these rates in line with the call rates applicable to other NPAs, and make minor text changes for clarification purposes. Reference: TN 86. Eff. date = 26.07.01.

2001/12/28 - O.N.Telcom
Description: In Decision 2001-583, the CRTC granted forbearance, pursuant to Section 34 of the Telecommunications Act, for Message Toll Service in O.N.Telcom's territory.
011228.zip - 95KB

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