2004-10-28 - #8740-B20-200410548 - Bell Canada (Tarif des services nationaux) - AMT 818/A - Modification à l'AMT 818

2004-09-29 - #8740-B20-200410548 - Bell Canada (Tarif des services nationaux) - AMT 818 - Tarif des installations spéciaux - Entente cadre - Arrangement personnalisé

Demande retirée - Lettre du Conseil - 2005-05-31

2005-05-31 - Lettre du Conseil

Dossiers #: 8740-B20-200301094, 8740-B20-200301078, 8740-B20-200313669, 8740-B20-200411505, 8740-B20-200300913, 8740-B20-200412239, 8740-B20-200302803, 8740-B20-200410548, 8740-B20-200302571, 8740-B20-200411372, 8740-B20-200312942, 8740-B20-200303488, 8740-B20-200411380, 8740-B20-200303066, 8740-B20-200412081, 8740-B20-200314831, 8740-B20-200302878, 8740-B20-200318800, 8740-B20-200307563, 8740-B20-200302555, 8740-B20-200310837, 8740-B2-200303454
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Demande visant à retirer des projets de pages de tarif applicables aux arrangements personnalisés

2005-05-19 - Bell Canada
Description: Request to withdraw Proposed Tariff Pages for certain Customer Specific Arrangements for which Tariffs are not required
050519.zip - 32KO

2004-12-20 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached is Bell Canada's Reply to the Intervention filed by MTS Allstream Inc. (Allstream) on 8 December 2004 (the Intervention) with respect to Bell Canada Tariff Notices 817 to 843 and Tariff Notice Numbers 6735 and 6834.
041220.zip - 69KO

2004-12-08 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Descripiton: Pursuant to the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, these are the comments of MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) in respect of the above-captioned follow-up proceedings and tariff applications.
041208.doc - 582KO

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