2009-10-26 - #: 8622-A98-200914590 - ATCO Energy Solutions - Demande réclamant que le Conseil révise la classification de la compagnie à une entreprise de Groupe I et lui permettre de classer leur information comme entreprise de Groupe II

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2010-02-16 - ATCO Energy Solutions

Description: Please be advised that ATCO Energy Solutions is hereby withdrawing its Part VII application dated October 26, 2009.

Document: 1359689.doc - 266KO

2009-10-26 – Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP for ATCO Energy Solutions

Description: I have been retained by ATCO Energy Solutions, formerly called ATCO Utility Services, to ascertain whether the company has been correctly classified as a “Group I” carrier for purposes of the CRTC’s data collection regime.

Document: 1314185.pdf - 179KO

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