Public Notice 2004-6 - Northwestel Inc. - Annual review of supplemental funding for 2004 and 2005: 8695-C12-200413625

Public Notice 2004-6 Schedule


Deadline Dates

Notice of intention to participate 2004-12-09
Responses to initial interrogatories 2005-01-06
Newspaper notices 2005-01-06
Evidence 2005-01-06
Interrogatories 2005-02-03
Responses to interrogatories 2005-03-03
Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and for public disclosure 2005-03-17
Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure 2005-03-24
Determination to requests for further information and for public disclosure 2005-03-24
Comments 2005-03-24
Arguments 2005-04-14
Reply arguments 2005-04-28

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Public Notices, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Interested Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties
d) Interrogatories

Section 2 - Documents from Northwestel Inc.
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Evidence
c) Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure
d) Arguments
e) Reply arguments

Section 4 - Documents from other parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Interrogatories
c) Comments
d) Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and for public disclosure
e) Arguments
f) Reply arguments

Section 5 - Responses to Interrogatories

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents
a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Public Notices, Decisions, etc.

2006-01-12 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-2 The Commission approves Northwestel Inc.'s proposal to remit to the central fund, as a one-time payment, the revenues accrued in its deferral account. Reference: 8695-C12-200413625.

2005-10-18 - Telecom Costs Order CRTC 2005-8 The Commission approves the application for costs by the Utilities Consumers' Group with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-6 proceeding. Reference: 8695-C12-200413625 and 4754-248.

2005-09-15 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-54 Northwestel Inc. - Supplemental funding requirements for 2004 and 2005. T he Commission approves, on a final basis, supplemental funding for Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) of $9.3 million for 2004 and $9.1 million for 2005. The Commission directs Northwestel to file an application for its 2006 supplemental funding by 17 October 2005. Reference: 8695-C12-200413625. No documents

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

2005-10-17 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Decision 2005-54: Disposition of 2004 Deferral Account and Filing of 2004 Audited Financials

2005-04-01 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Only"
Description: Letter addressed to Interested Parties - Re: Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-6 – Northwestel Inc. – Annual review of supplemental funding for 2004 and 2005

2005-03-03 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Only"

Description: Letter addressed to Mr. Mark Wickham - Re: Northwestel Inc. – Annual review of supplemental funding for 2004 and 2005

Section 1d) Interrogatories

2005-02-09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: Annual review of supplemental funding - Interrogatories

2005-02-03 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: Northwestel Inc. – Annual review of supplemental funding - Interrogatories

2004-11-23 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"

Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: Northwestel Inc. - Annual Review of supplemental funding - Interrogatories

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

2005-10-14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-54 the Commission directed Northwestel to file an application for disposal of the 2004 balance in the revenue deferral account 30 days after the date of the Decision.
Document: 051014.doc - 81KB

2005-01-06 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In the above-noted Public Notice, the Commission directed Northwestel to notify its subscribers of this proceeding in the form of a newspaper notice.
Document: - 35KB

Section 2b) Evidence

2005-01-06 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's Evidence and its responses to the Commission's interrogatories issued on November 23, 2004.
Document: - 544KB

Section 2c) Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure

2005-03-24 - Northwestel Inc.

Description: Pursuant to the above Public Notice, Northwestel has received a request from the Consumer Groups for disclosure of information, which the Company submitted in confidence to the Commission, with regard to the interrogatories filed by the Company on March 3, 2005.
Document: 050324.doc - 82KB

Section 2d) Arguments

2005-04-14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's Final Argument
Document: - 52KB

Section 2e) Reply arguments

2005-04-28 - Northwestel Inc.

Description: Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's Reply Argument.

Document: 050428.pdf - 628KB

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 4b) Interrogatories

2005-02-03 - Utilities Consumers' Group
Description: The Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG) submits the following interrogatories (IR's) concening Northwestel Inc. - Annual review of supplemental funding for 2004 and 2005.
Document: 050203.pdf - 265KB

2005-02-03 - Yukon Government

Description: Please find attached the interrogatories to Northwestel submitted by the Yukon Government for Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-6.
Document: - 62KB

2005-02-03 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of Consumer Groups

Description: We have enclosed the interrogatories of the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization, and l'Union des Consommateurs hereinafter referred to as the Consumer Groups
Document: 050203.doc - 143KB

2005-02-03 - Government of the Northwest Territories

Description: Pursuant to Paragraph 12 of the referenced public notice, I am enclosing the interrogatories of the Government of the Northwest Territories
Document: 050203.doc - 36KB

Section 4c) Comments

"List of comments by alphabetical order"

Wickham, Mark

Section 4d) Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and for public disclosure

2005-03-29 - Utilities Consumers' Group
Description: The Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG) received Northwestel's response to our second round of interrogatories (IRs) today via fax.
Document: 050329.pdf - 372KB

2005-03-17 - Yukon Government
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established in this Public Notice, the Yukon Government hereby requests further response and disclosure.
Document: 050317.doc - 24KB

2005-03-17 - Utilities Consumers' Group
Description: The Utilitites Consumers' Group (UCG) submits the following second round of interrogatories.
Document: 050317.pdf - 197KB

2005-03-17 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of Consumer Groups

Description: This letter is filed by the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization, and l'Union des Consommateurs hereinafter referred to as the Consumer Groups in response to the interrogatory responses filed on 06 January 2005 and 03 March 2005, pursuant to Telecom Public Notice 2004-6 (TPN 2004-6), by Northestel Inc. (NWTel).
Document: 050317.doc - 139KB

Section 4e) Arguments

2005-04-14 - Utilities Consumers' Group

Description: The Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG) submits the following arguments concerning Northwestel Inc.

Document: 050414.pdf - 151KB

2005-04-14 - Consumer Groups
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in PN 2004-6, the Consumer Groups hereby submit their Final Argument.
Document: 050414.doc - 146KB

Section 4f) Reply arguments

2005-04-28 - Utilities Consumers' Group

Description: The Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG) submits the following rebuttal arguments from the 14 April 2005 Final Argument.

Document: 050428.pdf - 168KB

2005-04-28 - Yukon Government
Description: Please find attached the reply arguments to Northwestel submitted by the Yukon Government for Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-6
Documents: - 67KB

2005-04-28 - Northwestel Inc.

Description: Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's Reply Argument.
Documents: - 50KB

2005-04-28 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: The Consumer Groups are in receipt of Northwestel’s (NWTel) Final Argument. In accordance with the above-referenced public notice, the Consumer Groups hereby submit their Reply Argument.
Document: 050428.doc - 128KB

2005-04-26 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in PN 2004-6, the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) hereby submits its Reply Argument in this proceeding.
Document: 050426.pdf - 54KB

Section 5 - Responses to Interrogatories

2005-04-07 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the above Public Notice, Northwestel received a ruling by the Commission on April 1, 2005, for the disclosure of certain information pertaining to the Company’s response to NWTel(YTG)03Feb05-08.
Documents: - 71KB

2005-03-03 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On February 3, 2005, Northwestel received interrogatories from the Commission (CRTC), the Yukon Government (YG), the Government of the Northwest Territories (“GNWT”), the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (“PIAC”), and the Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG).
Documents: - 60KB, - 440KB, - 32KB, - 1062KB, - 99KB, - 95KB

2005-01-06 - Northwestel Inc.

Description: Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's Evidence and its responses to the Commission's interrogatories issued on November 23, 2004.
Document: - 614KB

Section 8a) Costs

2005-07-15 - Utilities Consumers Group
Description: The Utilities Consumers Group thanks you for your response to our taxation of cost package request
Document: 050715.pdf - 576KB

2005-06-22 - NorthwesTel Inc.
Description: As stipulated in section 44 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Northwestel submits its response to the request for a disbursement of costs by the Consumer Group submitted to the Company on May 6th, 2005
Document: 050622.doc - 67KB

2005-05-20 - Utilities Consumers' Group
Description: The Utilities Consumers Group requests you send us a taxation of costs package for our intervention in the above process.
Document: 050520.pdf - 23KB

2005-05-06 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on behalf of Consumer Group

Description: Attached is the cost claim of the Consumer Groups which represented the National Anti-Poverty Organization, the Consumer Association of Canada and l'Union des Consommateurs in the above-noted hearing.

Document: 050506.pdf - 301KB

Section 8b) Others

No documents

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