Result 3 of 3.
- Titre
- The Broadcasting Act, 1958 and the functions of the Board of Broadcast Governors
- Cote
- HE 8689.9 C3 B66 1958
- Auteur(e)s
- Board of Broadcast Governors (BBG)
- Description Physique
- i, 42 leaves
- Notes
- Prepared by the full-time members and senior staff to assist the part-time members in understanding the provisions and requirements of the Broadcasting Act, the functions of the Board, and some of the problems with which the Board must deal.
- Langage
- English / Anglais
- Sujet
- Canada. Broadcasting Act
- Canada. Board of Broadcast Governors
- Broadcasting - Law and legislation - Canada
- Localisation
- Accès
- Public
- ID
- CAT 5055
- Date de modification :