Résultats de la recherche

Votre recherche : subject_txt:"Communication" a repéré 48 documents.
Fiber-optic communication systems / Agrawal, Govind P.. (Second). [United States] : John Wiley & Sons inc, 1997
Nokia threat intelligence report : 2017 / Nokia Threat Intelligence Center; Nokia Corporation. (2017). Finland : Nokia Oyj, c2017.
Nokia threat intelligence report : 2019 : white paper / Nokia Threat Intelligence Center; Nokia Corporation. (2019). Finland : Nokia Oyj, c2019.
Digital quality of life : global research of 65 countries' digital quality of life / Surfshark Ltd.. Tortola, British Virgin Islands : Surfshark Ltd., c2019.
Next generation connectivity : a review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world : Draft [electronic resource] / Berkman Center for Internet & Society; Harvard University. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University, 2009
Price comparisons of wireline, wireless and internet services in Canada and with foreign jurisdictions = Comparaison des tarifs des services filaires, internet et sans fil offerts au Canada et à l'étranger / Canada. Industry Canada; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Wall Communications Inc.. [Ottawa : Wall Communications Inc., 2008]
A study on the wireless environment in canada : September 29, 2006 : prepared for the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association / Wall Communications Inc.; Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA). Ottawa : Wall Communications Inc., 2006
Nokia : the coming of age of IoT botnets / Nokia Threat Intelligence Center; Nokia Corporation. (2017). Finland : Nokia Oyj, c2017.
KO/K-Net report : survey of connectivity in Keewaytinook Okimakanak communities / Beaton, Brian; Kakekaspan, Crystal; O'Donnell, Susan; National Research Council. Institute for Information Technology.. Frederiction, NB : National Research Council, 2012.
Community-based broadband organizations and video communications for remote and rural First Nations in Canada / O'Donnell, Susan [et al]. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, c2009.
Broadband report : November 2011 = Rapport sur la large bande : novembre 2011 / Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Conseil de radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC). [Ottawa : Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2011.] Version électronique
Let's talk broadband : findings report = Parlons large bande : rapport sur les résultats / Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes (CRTC); Ekos Research Associates. Ottawa, Ontario : Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, 2016. Version électronique
Mobile telecommunications networking / Gallagher, Michael D.; Snyder, Randall A.. [United States] : Mc Graw-Hill, 1997
Broadband growth and policies in OECD countries / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Paris : OECD, c2008
Communications & strategies : Digiworld economic journal : Ultrabroadband : the next stage in communications (Special issue). Montpellier, France : IDATE, DigiWorld Institute, c2008.
Benefit of the wireless telecommunications industry to the canadian economy, 2012/13 / Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA); Nordicity. [Ottawa] : Nordicity, c2013.
Get it wholesale! : reflections on the CRTC review of wireless roaming pricing / Grant, Iain; Shaddy, Lindsay. Montreal : SeaBoard Group, c2014
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