ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 2001-387

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Decision CRTC 2001-387

Ottawa, 6 July 2001

Our files: 8643-C35-01/00 and 8643-C6-01/00


Mr. Christian Jolivet
Director, Legal Affairs and Assistant Secretary
Cogeco Cable Inc.
1, Place Ville Marie, Bureau 3636
Montreal, PQ H3B 3P2

Dear Mr. Jolivet:

Re: The CRTC approves, on an interim basis, Cogeco Cable Canada's PIC/CARE Handbook with the changes set out in this letter

On 8 June 2000, pursuant to Order CRTC 2000-421, Cogeco Cable Systems Inc.'s and Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.'s proposed General Tariffs, dated 18 May 2000, Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. and Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. filed, for Commission approval, their Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbooks (PIC/CARE Handbooks).

The handbooks do not reflect the revisions made to a revised model (version 2.0) that was developed by the Business Process Working Group of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee and released in July 2000. Version 2.0 is set out on the Commission's web site at

Cogeco Cable Canada's and Cogeco Cable Systems' PIC/CARE Handbooks require amendments to reflect the above-noted revisions made to the model handbook and other changes, all of which are listed in the attachment to this letter. In light of the recent approval of Cogeco Cable Systems' withdrawal of its competitive local exchange carrier tariffs and agreements pursuant to its amalgamation with Cogeco Cable Canada, only one revised PIC/CARE Handbook is required. The Cogeco Cable Canada PIC/CARE Handbook is hereby granted interim approval. A revised copy of Cogeco Cable Canada's Handbook that incorporates these changes should be filed with the Commission within 30 days.

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Menke
Secretary General


c.c. Bruce Richardson, CRTC, (819) 997-4678


On the "Proprietary warning" page:

Replace the third paragraph with the following:

"This work contains material that has been derived from the Customer Account Record Exchange - Industry Support Interface (CARE-ISI) guidelines by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF). The guidelines may be obtained by contacting the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) at"; and

Replace the word "sold" in the fourth paragraph with the word "provided".

Amend section 1.1 "Background" as follows:

insert the following in the first paragraph after 97-16 (Quality of service indicators):

"and, Telecom Order CRTC 99-379 (Resellers and equal access),";

insert the following as the second sentence in the second paragraph:

"Equal access also provides the end user with the ability to access the network of other IXCs on a per-call basis by dialing a 10XXX or a 101XXX access code. This is referred to as casual calling."; and

add the following to the third paragraph:

"Telecom Order CRTC 99-379 confirmed that the requirement to provide equal access did not extend to resellers of local service."

Amend section 1.6 "Rates and charges" by inserting the following before the existing paragraph:

"Charges are applicable to the following PIC processing related activities:

Set up for each PIC processing account;
Changes to CARE profile;
Additional copies of PIC/CARE handbook;
PIC processing change, each access line;
Unauthorized PIC change, each access line;
Billing Telephone Number detail, each WTN provided; and
Request for a verification record."

Amend section 2.3 "Equal access switches" as follows:

Revise the last line of the paragraph to read . CSG Supervisor, "at the number provided in item 1.4", and who will provide the appropriate information.

Delete section 3.3 "PIC/CARE capabilities" and move the information contained in this section to section 3.1 "Overview". Renumber all subsequent sections, i.e., section 3.4 "Subscriptions" becomes section 3.3 and so on.

Amend section 3.5 "De-subscriptions" as follows:

change the second sentence of the fourth paragraph to read "In the absence of a corresponding subscription to another AC, the end user will be assigned a null value for the PIC selection.";

as a fifth paragraph insert the following:

"De-subscription orders are accepted at the WTN level only. A desired due date is not accepted on these requests."; and

as a seventh paragraph insert the following:

"As an alternative to assigning a null value, Cogeco Cable Canada may wish to migrate the end user to its long distance services." The above should be modified accordingly.

Renumber section 3.10 "Transaction codes and status indicators (TCSI)" as section 3.9 and amend as follows:

Change the end of the first paragraph to read:

". based on the CARE specifications within the CARE - ISI Document SR STS-000321."

Insert a new section 7.8 "Quality of service" with the following text:

"As per Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16 (paragraph 78), the Commission directed the addition of an on-time PIC activation quality of service indicator. Cogeco Cable Canada will measure this quality of service indicator and report to the CRTC as required."; and

"An AC may request monthly reports on Cogeco Cable Canada's performance measurements for transactions received from that particular AC."

Augment section 10.0 "Exchange of CARE files" to include, as applicable, descriptions of the following as set out in version 2.0 of the model handbook issued in July 2000:

How to obtain a mailbox;
File specifications;
Delivery of electronic file;
Notification of nil input;
IXC(AC) to LEC(AP) naming convention;
LEC(AP) to IXC(AC) naming convention; and
Distribution of output files.

Insert a new section 14.0 "Local procedures" and renumber "Glossary of terms" as section 15.0. The new section 14.0 should include, as applicable, descriptions of the following as set out in version 2.0 of the model handbook issued in July 2000:

Daily queries;
Contact/Escalation list;
Expedited orders;
Business migrations/Conversions;
Pre-subscription process;
Special services; and
LECs mergers and acquisitions.

Renumber section 15.0 "Appendices" as section 16.0 and insert, as applicable, the following with descriptions as set out in version 2.0 of the model handbook issued in July 2000:

Appendix F - Access services available for subscription

Revise the table of contents in accordance with the changes specified above. Include and renumber the following:

Appendix J - PIC correction/Resubmission request form

Date Modified: 2001-07-06

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