9144-3036 Quebec Inc. dba Navigue.com: 8643-Q21-201204255

PIC/CARE Manual - 2012-03-30

2012-07-12 - Telecom Order 2012-379 9144-3036 Québec Inc., carrying on business as Navigue.com – PIC/CARE access customer handbook
File number: 8643-Q21-201204255

2012-06-13 - 9144-3036 Quebec Inc. dba Navigue.com
Description: Vous trouverez annexe la verison 1.02 révisée pour le Manuel PIC-CARE a Handbook J de 9144-3035 Québec inc. dba Navigue.com et aussi le manuel du Metaswitch VP2510 "Call Service manual", pour suppporter l'information détaillée dans le point 14.6 référant aux services spéciaux d'appels.
Document: 1729005.zip - 719KB

2012-06-08 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Navigue.com - Re: PIC/CARE Handbook - Information request

2012-03-30 - 9144-3036 Quebec Inc. dba Navigue.com
Description: Find enclosed in the attachment, the revised PIC-CARE manual of 9144-3036 Quebec inc. dba Navigue.com which is being submitted for approval by the Commission.
Document: 1700756.zip - 3039KB

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