ARCHIVED - Telecom Decision CRTC 2014-603

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Ottawa, 20 November 2014

File number: 8621-C12-01/08

CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering - Consensus report CNRE106A

  1. On 11 July 2014, the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) of the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) submitted for Commission approval consensus report CNRE106A, Canadian NPA [numbering plan area] Relief Planning Guideline.

  2. In the report, the CSCN proposed to eliminate the split and boundary realignment area code relief methods from the Canadian NPA Relief Planning Guideline (the Guideline).

  3. The CSCN submitted that the split method, which involves division of the geographic area served by the current area code into two, with one portion retaining the existing area code and the other portion taking a new area code, has not been used in Canada since 1999. The CSCN also submitted that the boundary realignment method, which involves changing of the boundary between the area code that requires relief and an adjacent area code with spare telephone numbers, has never been used in Canada.

  4. The consensus report can be found in the “Reports” section of the CSCN page, which is available in the CISC section of the Commission’s website at

  5. The Commission considers that a significant amount of work and effort is involved in evaluating the various options in relation to the Guideline. Given that the split method has not been used since 1999 and that the boundary realignment method has never been used, the Commission considers that the CSCN’s proposal to eliminate these two methods from the Guideline is appropriate. Further, the CSCN’s proposal will reduce the industry’s workload by simplifying the NPA relief planning process.

  6. The Commission has reviewed and approves the above-noted consensus report and the modified Guideline.

  7. As a result of this decision, the Guideline will be limited to providing the option of future area code relief through overlays.Footnote 1 However, should the Commission consider it necessary, it may direct the relief planning committee to examine the split and/or boundary realignment methods in certain cases.

Secretary General


Footnote 1

The overlay method involves a new area code being superimposed or overlaid on top of part or all of the existing area code.

Return to footnote 1

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