ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-308

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Telecom Order CRTC 2004-308

  Ottawa, 9 September 2004

TELUS Communications Inc.

  Reference: Tariff Notice 133

Directory File Service


The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 17 December 2003, to introduce General Tariff item 407, Directory File Service. TCI indicated that item 407 would amalgamate and replace the following tariff items associated with Directory File Service:
  • the former TCI General Tariff item 475; and
  • TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (TCBC) General Tariff item 23.


TCI submitted that the amalgamation of tariffs for Directory File Service would not have an impact on how the service was provisioned in Alberta and British Columbia (B.C.).


TCI proposed to adopt the former TCI tariff as a template for developing the integrated item 407 and to import certain wording, from the TCBC tariff, which was not specifically itemized in the former TCI tariff. The company also proposed to include former TCI and TCBC tariff references, to update current tariff references as applicable and to introduce wording revisions for clarification purposes. TCI stated that its application would not result in any rate changes.


TCI proposed that the set-up fee would continue to apply by province, in accordance with the currently approved tariffs in the two provinces. In support of its position, the company stated that separate database and extraction processes continued to be used in Alberta and B.C.


The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.


The Commission notes that, according to the proposed tariff for Directory File Service, a customer ordering service for Alberta and B.C. would pay a set-up fee of $439.09 per province.


The Commission notes that on 1 January 2000, TCBC and the former TCI, along with a number of other TELUS subsidiaries, amalgamated to form TCI. The Commission considers that adequate time has elapsed since the merger for the company to achieve efficiency gains. Therefore, in the Commission's view, TCI should not be allowed to charge two set-up fees to a customer ordering Directory File Service for the two provinces at the same time. The Commission considers that it would be appropriate for TCI to apply a single set-up fee of $439.09 for Directory File Service covering both Alberta and B.C.


Accordingly, the Commission approves TCI's application, with the following modifications to item 407.3: delete Note 3 which states "This rate applies separately for each Customer request in either B.C. or Alberta" and the reference to Note 3, and renumber Note 4 as Note 3.
  Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2004-09-09

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