ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-207

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Order CRTC 2000-207

Ottawa, 17 March 2000
Sogetel inc.
Tariff Notices 91 and 91/A
Rates increased and exemptions revised for Operator Assistance service
The Commission approves, by majority vote, a $0.20 rate increase for Sogetel's Operator Assistance (OA) service. The Commission also approves changes to the exemption eligibility criteria for this service along with the removal of that section of Sogetel's General Tariff pertaining to the regulation of toll services provided by incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs).


On 9 December 1999, Sogetel filed Tariff Notice 91, and amended it on 22 February 2000 proposing:

a) a rate increase from $0.75 to $0.95 for its OA service;

b) to align its exemption eligibility criteria for its OA service with those approved for Bell Canada under Telecom Order CRTC 99-741 dated 29 July 1999; and

c) to remove that section of its General Tariff pertaining to the regulation of toll services provided by ILECs (i.e.: section 4.13 "Service auxiliaire interurbain").


Sogetel indicated that:

a) pursuant to paragraph 147 of Review of contribution regime of independent telephone companies in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-5 dated 21 April 1999, the rate increase proposed is in response to the Commission's encouragement that the independent telephone companies increase their revenues from sources other than residential local rates, such as optional services;

b) the filing will bring rates closer to costs and aid in the lowering of Sogetel's Carrier Access Tariff;

c) Bell Canada provides the OA service under the terms and conditions outlined in the interconnection agreement between itself and Sogetel. Consequently, the same exemption eligibility criteria approved for Bell Canada under Order 99-741 should apply for Sogetel; and

d) pursuant to the Commission's determination to forbear from regulating toll and toll-free services in Forbearance – Regulation of toll services provided by incumbent telephone companies, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-19 dated 18 December 1997, Sogetel is withdrawing that portion of its tariff dealing with the regulation of toll services provided by ILECs.


With regards to the OA exemption eligibility criteria, the Commission finds it appropriate to align Sogetel's exemption eligibility criteria with that of Bell Canada's approved under Order 99-741.


With regards to the removal of that portion of Sogetel's tariff dealing with the regulation of toll services provided by ILECs, the Commission considers this to be appropriate in light of its determination on this matter set out in Decision 97-19, as noted in paragraph 2. d) above.


With regards to the $0.20 rate increase, the Commission considers:

a) the costing information submitted by Sogetel reasonably reflects the cost of providing the service;

b) that it is reasonable and more appropriate to recover related cost for these services from users rather than from the general body of subscribers, many of whom never or rarely use the services; and

c) this is an acceptable response toward achieving the Commission objective, set out in paragraph 100 of Decision 99-5, of lowering the contribution requirement to a maximum of 25% of the total revenue requirement amount.


In light of the above, the Commission approves, by majority vote, the rate increase from $0.75 to $0.95 for Sogetel's OA service.


The Commission directs Sogetel to issue forthwith revised tariff pages, effective the date of this order, reflecting the approval of:

a) a $0.95 rate for its OA services;

b) its new exemption eligibility criteria; and

c) the removal of that section of its General Tariff pertaining to the regulation of toll services provided by ILECs.

Secretary General



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