West Cost Teltech Ltd. & A&A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd.: 8680-W32-200307315

Application for an order granting a stay of implementation of Decisions 2002-56 and 2003-27

2004-08-26 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-56 The Commission grants an application by West Coast TelTech Ltd. and by A&A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. to review and vary Follow-up proceeding to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56 - Foregone toll revenue compensation for expanded local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-27, 7 May 2003 (Decision 2003-27). The Commission does not consider it necessary to review and vary Framework for the expansion of local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56, 12 September 2002 (Decision 2002-56). The above determination renders moot the application by the applicants to stay Decision 2002-56 and Decision 2003-27.

2004-04-23 - Telecom Cost Order CRTC 2004-7 L'Union des consommateurs application for costs – Part VII Application by West Coast Teltech Ltd. and A & A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. for stay and review and vary of Telecom Decisions CRTC 2002-56 and 2003-27. Reference: 8662-W32-200308131, 8680-W32-200307315 and 4754-224.

2003-08-22 - Union des consommateurs
Description: Demande d'adjudication de frais à la suite des demandes selon la partie VII des règles de procédures déposées par West Coast Teltech et A&A Call Link Telesolutions pour demander un sursis à l'application et pour réviser et pour réviser les décisions de télécom 2002-56 et 2003-27.
Document: 030822.pdf - 45KB

2003-08-08 - L'Union des consommateurs
Description: Demande d'adjudication de frais à la suite des demandes selon la partie VII des règles de procédures déposées par West Coast Teltech et A&A Call Link Telesolutions pour demander un sursis à l'application et pour réviser et pour réviser les décisions de télécom 2002-56 et 2003-27.
Document: 030808.pdf - 45KB

2003-07-25 - A&A Call Link Telesolutions & West Cost Teltech Ltd.
Description: A & A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. hereby files reply comments on behalf of West Coast Teltech Ltd. and A & A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd., in compliance with the Commission staff letters dated June 14, 2003 and July 9, 2003
Document: 030725.zip - 35KB

2003-07-18 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS hereby files its comments on the Stay Application and the R&V. Failure to respond to any issue raised in the R&V should not be taken as signifying TELUS agreement with the Applicants
Document: 030718.doc - 74KB

2003-07-18 - Union des consommateur et l'Association des consommateurs du Canada
Description: La présente constitue les observations de l'Union des consommateurs et de l'Association des consommateurs du Canada (ci-après les Groupes de consommateurs) pour les dossiers sus-mentionnés.
Document: 030718.doc - 37KB

2003-07-18 - H.M.Net Technologies Inc.
Description: Nous supportons la demande de "West Coast Teltech Lts." et "A & A Call Link Telesolutions Lts." d'éliminer le paragraphe 46 de la décision CRTC 2003-27 et exigeons d'être sur la liste des revendeurs interurbains à être consulté par Bell Canada pour évaluer les pertes de revenues qu'engendrera cette élargissement de zone d'appel local pour H.M.Net Technologies Inc.
Document: 030718.doc - 42KB

2003-07-18 - Johnston & Buchan on behalf of Distributed Communications Ltd.
Desciption: These comments are filed by Distributel Communications Ltd. ("Distributel") in respect of the above-noted applications filed by West Coast Teltech Ltd. ("West Coast") and A & A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. ("A & A") on June 9 and 27 respectively, in accordance with the procedures established in the Commission's letters of June 14, 2003 and July 9, 2003.
Document: 030718.zip - 377KB

2003-07-03 - Union des consommateurs
Description: L'Union des consommateurs entend répliquer à la demande de sursis à l'application de la décision 2003-27 et à la demande de révision des décisions 2002-56 et 2003-27 déposée par West Coast Teltech et A&A Call Link Telesolutions
Document: 030703.doc - 21KB

2003-06-26 - Johnston & Buchan on behalf of Distributel
Description: Please find attached a submission by Distributel regarding the Framework for the expansion of local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56
Document: 030626.doc - 374KB

2003-06-16 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to West Coast Teltech Ltd. - Re: Framework for the expansion of local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56, 12 September 2002 and Follow-up proceeding to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-56 - Foregone toll revenue compensation for expanded local calling areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-27, 7 May 2003 - Proceeding

2003-06-12 - McCarthy Tetrault on behalf of the City of Ottawa
Description: We are solicitors for the City of Ottawa and have been authorized to deliver the attached intervention.
Document: 030612.pdf - 1284KB

2003-06-10 - A&A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd.
Description: Further to a letter dated June 6, 2003 from Ms Deborah Ealey of West Coast Teltech Ltd. ("West Coast"), A & A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. ("A & A") is writing to express its concurrence and participation as a joint Applicant in the application (the "Application") filed under cover of West Coast's letter.
Document: 030610.doc - 37KB

2003-06-06 - West Cost Teltech Ltd. & A&A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd.
Description: West Coast Teltech Ltd. ("West Coast") and A&A Call Link Telesolutions Ltd. ("A&A") (collectively, the "Applicants") hereby file an application (the "Application") pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the "Rules") and sections 55, 61(2) and 62 of the Telecommunications Act requesting that the Commission stay the implementation of the above-captioned decisions (the "Decisions")
Document: 030606.zip- 24KB

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