TELUS Communications Company (TCC) - TN 386 - 2010-04-29 - # 8740-T66-201007336

General Tariff - Approval mechanisms for retail and CLEC tariffs

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2010-05-06 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) filed Tariff Notice No. 386 (“TN-386”) with the Commission on April 29, 2010. In this tariff notice, TELUS proposed rate decreases for a number of the Business Value Bundle options in Alberta and British Columbia in General Tariff (CRTC 21461) Item 304, Business Value Bundle. TELUS certifies that all of the proposed rates in TN-386 still pass the imputation test for these services.
Document: 1390807.pdf - 22KB

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